Rabu, 19 November 2014

Naskah Rolleplay Alice in Wonderland

Halloo,pasti tau rolleplay itu apa kan? pasti tau dong...Rolleplay itu drama dengan naskahnya yang berbahasa inggris. Biasanya zaman SMA pasti sering dapet tugas rolleplay gini. Nah gue punya naskah rolleplay tugas SMA dulu,yang judulnya ' Allce In Wonderland ',pasti tau dong cerita itu? tapi cerita di naskah ini sedikit berbeda,kenapa beda? banyak tokoh yang diganti tapi ga ngerubah alur cerita aslinya ko.Baca aja deh kalo mau tau lengkapnya....

Alice In Wonderland

Narrator : It was a hot day in the jungle , and Alice , a little girl and happy , getting tired of sitting by her sister who is reading a book under a tree .

Alice : How can my sister read a book without pictures ? Oh ... , if it was not so hot I would make a daisy chain .
Narrator : Then suddenly the White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her . Rabbit said to himself .

White Rabbit : Oh dear ! Oh dear ! Time out , I'm going to be late !

Narrator : Alice was shocked , and then he saw how the Rabbit took a watch from his vest pocket , and saw him , and then fled . Alice stood up quickly .

Alice : A rabbit with a waistcoat and a watch ! I had to catch it !

White Rabbit : I can not be late !

Narrator : Suddenly the little girl , fell into a pile of dry leaves without getting hurt . Alice stood up , and there was another long passage , and the White Rabbit was still running there .

White Rabbit : Oh my ears and whiskers , now I'm really late !

Narrator : Once again the little girl tried to arrest him , when Hare turned to corner , and disappeared . Alice was in a large low room , very well lit , and surrounded by the doors of different sizes . He tried to open it .

Alice : All of the doors are locked ! How can I get out of here ?

Narrator : Alice look behind the curtain , the door was very small , he tried a small golden key in the lock , and the great excitement , the door opened .

Alice : Oh , I wanted to go into the garden ! ... But how can that be? I will never go through the door kecil.Tapi , what this little bottle ? It was not here before! ... It says in the label , DRINKING ME.aku will drink an entire bottle ... I feel weird

Narrator : He was a small attack , then he went to a small door , hoping to get out into the garden . But terkunci.Kemudian door he sat on the floor , and cried .
Alice opened the small box , and says

Alice : Have a small cake that says EAT ME ... well , I 'll eat it ... something extraordinary had happened . I have learned that in this place , everything is extraordinary .

Narrator : But she continued to cry and cry , Then he heard some footsteps, and eventually he stopped crying . There , the White Rabbit , very well dressed , with a pair of white gloves in one hand , and the other fan .

White Rabbit : Oh ! Duchess must now savage ! I can not keep waiting for him again !

Alice : Rabbit ! Rabbit ! Please wait ! Wait a minute ! Listen to me !

Narrator : When Rabbit heard Alice , it got scared and dropped the white gloves and the fan , and run as fast as possible . Alice took the gloves and fan .

Alice : What a day ! Yesterday everything was normal ... Oh , I get even smaller ! I wonder why ! Maybe the fan !

Narrator : alice suddenly disappears and is next to the pool

Alice : Someone swim ! ... Oh , the hippos ! No, it's a walrus ! Oh , it was a rat ! But since I was little , I saw great ! I will talk with the mouse , may be able to answer me ! ,

Alice : Tell me , mouse , you know the way out of this pool ?

Narrator: The mouse looked at him , but did not answer . Alice thinks that the mouse may not understand English , so she said the only thing she could remember in French .

Alice : Ou est ma Chatte ?

Narrator : Which means where my cat ? Suddenly, the rats out of the water .

Alice : Oh , I'm sorry! I forgot mice do not like cats .

Rat : Look little girl ! I have my reasons for not liking cats , but let's swim to the shore . See ! We have company . The pool is full of creatures !

Alice : That's right ! This is a parrot , ducks , and eagles , and much more !

Narrator : Alice swimming near small animals . After a while they were on the beach .

Alice : We are all wet !

Rat : I agree with you !

Narrator : Everyone started running , and half an hour later , said the parrot .

Rat : The race is over, who wins ? The girl was the winner

Narrator : Alice did not know what to do . He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box of candy , and handed them round as prizes . There is exactly one a -piece all round .

Rat : What about him ? Is he not going to receive a gift ?
Nuri : Of course he is ! Let's see Alice , what else do you have in your pocket to another ?

Alice : Let me see ... only a thimble .

Rat : Give me ... Take this elegant thimble , as a gift .

Narrator : They all cheered . Alice thinks that all of it was so strange , but when she saw their faces are so serious , he did not dare to laugh , so he just said .

Rat : Come on guys , we can not talk to this girl . That 's why the left mouse . Follow me !

Alice : Please, do not leave me alone .... they go ! Someone will come ... maybe it was the mouse that changed my mind ... but no ... It was the White Rabbit !

White Rabbit : The Duchess ! The Duchess ! Oh my fur and whiskers ! She 'll get me executed , as sure as two plus two eight ! Where I left the gloves ?

Narrator : Rabbits were looking for gloves and fan angin.Akhirnya , Rabbit look at Alice , and said .

White Rabbit : Mary Ann , what ARE you doing here ? Run home this moment , and brought me a pair of gloves and a fan ! Fast , now !

Narrator : Alice was so scared that he ran at the same time pointing towards it , without trying to explain the mistakes that have been dibuat.diba disebuah beautiful little house betuliskan MR.R

Alice : I'm going to go . I am the messenger of the rabbit ! Oh , how lucky I am , on the table there is a pair of gloves and a fan ! ... And a small bottle ! I 'll drink it ,

Narrator : In fact , as soon as he drank a small bottle , he is growing so fast , she started to cry because he could not get out of the house .

White Rabbit : Mary Ann ! Mary Ann ! Answer me ! Where a pair of my gloves ? Can not you hear me ? What happened ! The door did not open .

Narrator : rabbit was just under the window , when Alice opened her hand , and made ​​a snatch in the air , but he did not catch anything . Then there was the sound of glass breaking, and rabbits scream .

Rabbit : Oh ! Pat ! Pat ! Where are you? Pat ! Pat !

White Rabbit : Come and help me get out of here ... tell me what you see in the window ! .

Nuri : I saw arms , Your Honor .

White Rabbit : What do you mean , arm ? Who has ever seen a big arm ?

White Rabbit : We can see that ! And because there's nothing else we can do , we have to burn the house down !

Narrator : Alice could not see what was happening outside , but he could hear them , so he said .

Alice : Wait ! And you Mr. Rabbit , if you burn the house , I will set my cat Dinah at you ! I warn you, he likes to eat bunnies !

Narrator : silence instantly, and Alice waiting for an answer .

Alice : I'm going to eat one 's cake , and I hope I will not grow larger .

Narrator : He ate the cake , and she began to shrink . As soon as she was small enough to pass through the door , she ran out of the house , they went after him , but Alice ran as fast as she could , and soon found herself safe in the woods .

Alice : Now I have to eat or drink something to grow to my right size again . I want to know what will happen .

Narrator : Nearby was a large mushroom . He stretched himself on tiptoe , and peered at the edge of the mold , and he saw the large blue caterpillar , Finally Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth , and spoke to him with a languid voice .

Caterpillar : Who are you ?

Alice : I guess I do not know ... at least I know who I am when I woke up this morning , but I think I must have been changed several times since then .

Caterpillar : What do you mean by that ? Explain !

Alice : I'm afraid I can not explain it . But when you have to turn into a cocoon ... and then after that into a butterfly , you will feel as I do .

Caterpillar : Chrysalis ... butterfly ... I do not like the idea. Now tell me ... Who are you ?
Alice : It's better if I go , bye !

Caterpillar : Come back ! I have something important to say !

Narrator : Alice turned and came back again .

Alice : What is it ?

Caterpillar : Of course not . So you think you 've changed ?

Alice : I do not think so . I do not keep the same size for fifteen minutes together! .

Caterpillar : This is a very good height ! That's what I measure .

Alice : I'm sorry , sir Caterpillar , do not feel offended , but I did not used to be so small .

Caterpillar : You 'll get used to it , one side will make you grow taller , and the other side will make you grow shorter .

Alice : One side of what ? The other side of what ?

Caterpillar : Of mushrooms , everyone knows it .

Narrator : Soon after Caterpillar left , Alice held out his hand , and cut off a piece of fungus . One part with his right hand , and a piece with his left arm

Alice : Oh , will you tell me , please , which way I should go from here ?

Narrator : He did not go any further , when he saw the March Hare . Chimney shaped like ears . As Alice approached them , they said .

March Hare , the Hatter : There is no space for you ! There is no space !

Alice : Of course there is ! I would sit in that chair .

March Hare : Then drink wine !

Alice : How can I drink wine , if only there was tea !

March Hare : I know there was not any wine .

Alice : Then why are you telling me to drink it . You do not be polite !

March Hare : Well , it's also rude to sit down without being invited .

Alice : I did not know it was your table , it is set to more than four .

Hatter : Tell me , why - raven like a writing desk ?

Alice : I love puzzles . I think I can guess that .

March Hare : Do you mean you know the answer ?

Alice : Yes , I do .

March Hare : Tell me what you think . Say what you mean .

Alice : I do , at least I mean what I say . . . it's the same thing .

Hatter : It's not the same thing . Do the same thing to say I see what I eat , I eat what I see ?

Narrator : There was silence for a minute , while Alice ponder all she could remember about ravens and writing - desks . Then the Hatter said , looking at his watch .

Hatter : What day is today?

Alice : It's the fourth , I give up , what's the answer ?

Hatter : We do not know at all . Is not that right , the March Hare ?

Narrator : Alice mad at her rudeness , she stood up and walked away . None of the others tried to stop him

Alice : I do not want to see you again ! Oh ... , in that tree ! There is a small door ! I will go

Narrator : A large rose - tree stood near the entrance of the park .

Queen: Who is he ? No one knows ! ... What's your name , son ?

Alice : My name is Alice , Your Honor .

Narrator : But , he adds , himself.

Queen: If you know how to play this , I would forgive him ... Alice , follow me , standing next to the Rabbit.

Alice : Hello , Mr. Rabbit , finally we meet again . Where the Duchess ?

White Rabbit : The Queen will hear you ! ... We have arrived to the croquet ground .

Narrator : But when someone is about to beat the Queen , she screamed .

Queen: Off with his head !

Narrator : Alice play as well as he could , but when he beat the Queen , he said .

Queen: Off with his head !

Alice : You can not leave me without my head . I have the right to be tried !

Queen: Very good, let's go to my palace !

Narrator : That's Alice enters the palace , accused of beating a queen in a game of croquet .

Alice : It's the only chance I ..... Yes , I grew up , I was getting bigger and bigger !

Queen: I would say the first sentence , then the verdict ... off with his head !

Alice : I do not think you can make it , the Queen of Hearts ! You're just a card ! And I'm great !

Queen: I order you to be quiet !

Alice : I will not be quiet ! Your all just a pack of cards ! I'm not afraid of you !

Narrator : All who have met alice gathered and tried to hit aliceDia tried to stand up , but then he learns that he has his head in the lap of his sister , and that everything has been a wonderful dream .

Alice : Dear sister , I had the strangest dream ... Someday I 'll tell you about it .

Narrator : Suddenly, Alice saw Rabbit .

Alice : Look ! Look sister ! A White Rabbit with a waistcoat and a watch ! I will follow him ! Come on ... ! Follow me to wonderland !
Tania Harnum Rachmawati

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